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  • What gadget(s) do you cover?
  • Our insurance company provides cover for the following gadgets:
    • Mobile phones including iPhones
    • Tablets
    • iPads
  • What is the maximum age of the gadget?
  • At the time of purchasing this policy, the maximum age of the gadget(s) when purchased new or as refurbished, must be no more than 12 months old and policy eligibility criteria apply.
  • Why do I need gadget insurance?
  • We know how important your gadgets can be to you… whether it’s your iPad, tablet, or mobile phone. With Gadget Insurance from Gadgetsure you can protect your gadgets from:
    • Accidental damage e.g. cracked screens
    • Theft
    • Liquid damage
    • Accidental loss
    • Malicious Damage
    • Out of warranty breakdown
    • Fraudulent use up to £1,000 if your gadget is lost or stolen (mobile phone only)
    • Lost or stolen
    Our gadget insurance gives you peace of mind if something unfortunate happens to your gadgets. So should something go wrong, we will repair or replace your gadget quickly and hassle free. Reducing the stress and financial cost for you. In addition, our policies also come with the following benefits:
    • Instant cover with no exclusion periods
    • Protect multiple gadgets for you and your family with our multi-gadget discount.
    • Unlimited claims & repairs
    • Like for like replacement (subject to availability)
    • Annual or monthly contract terms
    • 180 day worldwide cover
  • When does my cover begin?
  • Your policy will commence immediately following the purchase of your policy and this will be confirmed on your policy schedule. You can either select to pay annually or monthly.

    Annual Plan
    If you choose the annual plan, then your policy will be an annual policy and the full premium will be taken immediately on inception and again at each annual renewal date unless you opt out of auto renewal or you decline the renewal invitation. You can opt out of auto renewal at any time.

    Monthly Rolling
    If you choose Monthly Billing, your policy will be a rolling monthly policy and will remain in force provided the monthly premiums continue to be paid. The monthly premiums will be collected each month on or close to the day of the you purchased the policy.
  • What are the main exclusions?
  • As with any insurance policy, there are circumstances that are not covered under the policy. So, you should always read through the policy wording carefully to ensure you are aware of what is and isn’t covered under the terms of the policy. Please visit the Policy section to download the policy wording and insurance product information document to see the terms and conditions.
  • What is the eligibility criteria?
  • Your electronic gadget(s) must be in good condition and full working order at the time of purchasing this insurance policy or at the time of adding or changing any electronic gadgets(s) on your insurance policy. In the event of a claim, if there is evidence that the damage, theft, or loss occurred prior to the purchase date of this insurance policy, your claim will be declined, and no premium refund will be due.

    You are eligible for cover if at the time of first purchasing this insurance, or renewing your insurance policy:
    1. You are a permanent resident of the United Kingdom;
    2. You are 18 years of age or older;
    3. The electronic gadget(s) must have been:
      • purchased as new from a manufacturer, network provider or retail store (high street or online); or
      • purchased as refurbished direct from the manufacturer, retail store (high street or online) or network provider with a minimum 12 month warranty; or
      • gifted to you as long as the electronic gadget(s) are purchased as new from a manufacturer, network provider or retail store (high street or online) or purchased as refurbished direct from the manufacturer, network provider or retail store (high street or online) with a minimum 12 month warranty and you can provide a gift receipt.
    4. You have purchased the electronic gadget(s) within 12 months of first purchasing this insurance policy and you can provide proof of purchase and / or evidence of ownership;
    5. The electronic gadget(s) must be in your possession, in good condition and full working order (not already damaged), and;
    6. The electronic gadget(s) has not previously been repaired using non-manufacturer part(s);
    7. You must follow the validation evidence instructions provided to you when you purchase this policy. If you fail to provide the required evidence, your claim may not be successful.

managing your policy

  • How do I cancel the policy?
  • Cancellation within 14 days:
    If you decide that for any reason, this insurance policy does not meet your insurance needs then please contact customer@gadgetsure.co.uk within 14 days from the day of purchase. On the condition that no claims have been made or are pending, we will then refund your premium in full.

    Cancellation after 14 days:
    If you wish to cancel your insurance policy after 14 days, you can do so, please contact customer@gadgetsure.co.uk providing 14 days notice of cancellation. Your insurance cover will cease from the date you instruct us to cancel your policy. It is not possible to backdate policy cancellation.

    If you pay your insurance premium on a monthly basis your insurance policy will be cancelled, there will be no refund of premium due as the insurance premium paid will have only been in respect of the cover already received.

    If you pay your insurance premium annually and provided no claim has been made under the insurance policy, you will be entitled to a pro-rata refund of premium. If a claim has been made, we will cancel your cover, but we will not refund any premium.

    In the event of cancellation outside of 14 days then Gadgetsure reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee of £20 to reflect the costs of arranging and cancelling the policy.
  • What proof of ownership is required?
  • Evidence of ownership includes a document to evidence that the gadget(s) you are claiming for belongs to you. This can be a copy of the sales invoice, delivery note and receipt/gift receipt that details the gadget(s).
  • How do I add items or make a change to my policy?
  • If you would like to add a new gadget(s) or change an existing gadget(s) you can do so by logging into your Gadgetsure customer dashboard or by contacting Gadgetsure Customer Services at customer@gadgetsure.co.uk. The policy premium may increase or decrease according to the value of your new gadget(s). If you have claimed during the period of cover and received a replacement gadget(s), the policy premium may remain the same or increase according to the value of your replacement gadget(s).


  • How do I make a claim?
  • To make a claim, call the claims team on 0344 856 3812, or alternatively you can submit your claim online through the Gadgetsure customer dashboard. You can also contact the claims team by email at claims@gadgetsure.co.uk.

    When we approve the claim, you will need to pay the policy excess to let us proceed with the claim.

    If your claim is for accidental damage, we will ask you to send the gadget to our nominated repair centre where we can inspect and repair it if repairable. We aim to repair or replace your gadget within 5 to 7 working days.

    If your claim is for the theft or loss of your gadget you must report the theft or loss to the police within 48 hours and your network service provider no later than 24 hours after you notice that your gadget is missing. Then, you need to contact us as soon as possible and within 48 hours of a loss occurring. If you take longer than 48 hours to contact us, you risk your claim being delayed or rejected.

    Please refer to the claims section for further information.
  • How quickly will you repair or replace my gadget?
  • We aim to process claims within 48 hours, once we receive all the required documentation from you to support your claim, we seek to repair or replace your gadget within 5 to 7 working days.
  • What is the excess?
  • If you make a claim during the period of insurance, an excess will be applied depending on the nature of the claim and the policy type as shown in the Excess Table below
      Theft Accidental Loss Accidental Damage
    Annual £100 £100 £75
    Monthly £150 £150 £100
    Please note, if you make a claim within the first 30 days of your period of insurance, there will be an additional excess of £25 for all accidental damage claims and £50 for any accidental loss or theft claims.
  • Who is the insurer?
  • This Gadgetsure policy is underwritten by White Horse Insurance UK Limited, a Branch of White Horse Insurance Ireland dac, is registered in England and Wales. White Horse Insurance Ireland dac is registered in Ireland. White Horse Insurance UK Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm reference number 203320.

device verification

  • How do I verify my devices?
  • After you have completed the purchase of your policy you will be able to login to the Gadgetsure Customer Dashboard to quickly and easily complete the setup and validation of your gadget(s). You must provide the following:
    1. You will need to provide confirmation of your IMEI number or serial number either at point of purchase or within 14 days through the Gadgetsure Customer Dashboard. Failure to provide confirmation of your IMEI number or serial number within 14 days will result in automatic cancellation of your policy.
    2. In addition to the above, you will also need to verify the condition of your device. To do this we ask you to upload images of the device to the Gadgetsure customer dashboard to confirm there is no damage and that the device is in your possession and in good working order.

    Please note, we will not cover any claim unless you have uploaded the validation evidence to your Gadgetsure Customer Dashboard showing that the electronic gadget(s) was in your possession and in good working order prior to any claim occurring.
  • For mobile phones
    1. Log into the Gadgetsure Customer Dashboard.
    2. Click on Verify Condition.
    3. Using the device you wish to verify, tap Verify Condition and then tap Capture Image.
    4. Make sure the front facing camera of your mobile device is selected and then hold your device up to a mirror, so that the front of the device is facing the mirror, then take a picture of the front of the device. Tip: We recommend you use the camera settings on your device to set a 2-3 second delay capture timer. This will ensure you do not obscure the front of the device when taking the picture.
    5. Check that the image quality is good (e.g. not blurry) and clearly shows the front of your device, then tap Upload.
  • For iPads and Tablets
  • You can follow the exact same steps as above or alternatively, you can also take an image of the device by using another device such as your mobile phone and uploading that image to verify the condition of the device.